Thursday, June 2, 2011

Flew Through Fill #2!

The old adage "Live and Learn" couldn't be truer.  Mom and dad made a lot of mental notes during and after my fill last week, and boy oh boy did it pay off.  This week's fill went much better than last week.  It wasn't a completely smooth ride, but it was significantly less bumpy than last time! 

Over the last week, we could feel that the expanders were softening, just as they should, to make room for more saline.  By this morning, they were noticeably softer.  My Nana had brought us a medical adhesive to use when applying the lidocaine, and it worked wonderfully.  It obviously follows that my port sites were completely numb for the fill.  I did get a bit grumpy, and we had a little difficulty mid-way through, but it was probably because I was tired and don't like being restrained for the procedure.  But in the end, it was entirely successful.  We got 75 cc in my right expander - which is now up to 215, and 60 cc in my left one, which now has a total of 185.  Good news all around. 

These suckers sure look big already.  We can't believe they're less than 1/3 of the way full.  From the side, it looks like there's a small football under my skin!  See for yourselves....

If you'd like to see what it's like to go through a fill, please check out this link (courtesy of The Nagel Family,

We are so thankful that this round seems to be working out, and my August surgery can't get here soon enough.  Please keep those prayers coming.  This is a true gift from God. 

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