Saturday, June 25, 2011

Feelin' Like a Pro!

This week's expansion was a bit of a surprise because we had to do it early!  You might have guessed it, another cold is going around my household... or so it seems.  My sis woke up yesterday looking fine, but saying she was sick.  As the day went on, mom could see the slightest beginnings of a cold.  Rather than wait to see what happens, or if I wake up with it too, mom and dad decided to do my fill last night.

It was only about a day and a half early, so Dr. Bauer's office approved the schedule change.  The expanders felt softer than they did after my last fill, but still a bit firm, so mom and dad weren't expecting much.  But... IT WENT GREAT!!  This was probably our best fill yet.  It was smooth and easy and I didn't even notice the needles going in.  And, to top it off, we got the "regular" amounts in (75 cc right and 45 cc left), even though it was early.  Mom and dad are really getting to be pros at filling my expanders!

My "bubbles" are certainly big, and the larger one is almost like a little shelf for my arm to rest on now!  We are so excited about how well this is going.  Check it out...

315 cc on the left

445 cc on the right

Now we'll just wait and see if this cold develops - and if I get it - and if we miss next week's fill.  Man, this is just a little roller coaster of an experience.  Can't wait to see what happens next!

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