Monday, January 24, 2011

The Ups and Downs of Recovery

Oh, where do I start?  When I left you last, everything was going great.  I was feeling good, notwithstanding it was the day of my second - "emergency" - surgery.  I continued to feel really good through the next day... and then it was back -- my fever.  The Sunday following my surgery, I woke up with a temp.  And because I was taking an antibiotic that we've since decided I have an intolerance for, I was throwing up every bit of fever reducer I was given.  So, the heat went up, and my mood went down.  We stayed in that day -- and trust me, you don't want to know how they finally got my fever to come down for the night.

The next day was our last day in Chicago - at least for the time being.  The fever continued, and we went to Dr. Bauer's office to be checked out one last time.  Dr. B had an ENT next door to his office check my ears to make sure it wasn't an ear infection causing my fever.  It wasn't.  So, what was it?  Well, we don't really know.  The "guess" is that the bacteria causing the infection that torpedoed my expansion was still hanging around, and my body was reacting to it.  They gave me a new antibiotic, which does not upset my tummy, and by Tuesday, the fever began to go away.

With luck, we made it home late Monday night.  It's funny -- both times we left Chicago in the last 2 weeks, there was a snowstorm.  But we weren't delayed and happily slept in our own beds that night.  Things seemed to be going well, and we enjoyed a few days before I developed a horrible congested cough.  It sounded just like one we heard on the plane.  Hmmm, wonder where I got it?!?!?!

So, things were going well surgery-wise, right?  Yes, until.... they weren't again.  Starting Thursday, the stitches on the side that had the initial infection began to go downhill.  It was bleeding a little.  Then it started to get red.  And more red.  And today, began to ooze the same stuff that was there with the last infection.  Or at least that's what it looks like.  Which, of course, means infection could very well be on its way.  Luckily, when we discovered the goopy stuff, we were at the doctor's office and she grabbed a culture of it, so we'll be able to see what's bugging my stitches.  Dr. B thinks it's probably the same bacteria that's been there all along, and assures us I will heal, but it may not be before my skin tears again.  We'll just have to wait and see.  And I won't get to ditch my surgical dressings as we were hoping.  But oh well, it could be worse.  I just hope and pray it doesn't get worse.  Our big question is, if that bacteria is still there, what are the 6 different antibiotics I've been on for the last 6 straight weeks doing???

The good news is that they still don't think this means anything bad where our future surgeries are concerned.  And, my drains were pulled today so I am tube-free!  Oh, the freedom!  Normally, that would mean that I could begin to get back to regular activity, but with the latest potential infection, I'll have to keep still a while longer.  But I assure you, within a week of being able to move again, I will be crawling.  I am SO READY!

So, we are supposed to see Dr. Price next week and get rid of the 100+ stitches that cover me waist to waist.  I'm not real sure if that's actually going to happen now, but as soon as it does, we'll update with new photos.  Stay tuned...

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